Photo Project: Clouds—My Zine Layout and Sequencing Process Using Prints

In previous posts about my CLOUDS zine I’ve shared how the project is coming together as I work through the entire zine creation process. I’ve recently finished my layout and sequencing process AND ordered my copy of what I hope will be the final version of this printed zine which includes 132 pages of images (this feels like a gigantic accomplishment for me!). I thought I’d share with you how I chose to carry out the layout and sequencing process. This isn’t the only way to go about this and I thought I’d share with anyone else who may have an interest in seeing one way to do this or for anyone who might like to see a little behind-the-scenes look at what has gone into printing this project.

Quite some time ago I spent an evening cutting plain white printer paper to 8”x8” which was the size I chose for my printed zine. I didn’t do anything fancy—I tend to be a fairly practical person. In order to hold the pages together I just used two holes of a three hole paper punch to punch two holes in each page. Then I used some brown string I had on hand to tie the pages together.

I sorted through my large stack of prints—I had previously used a Sharpie and labeled the back of each print with the file name for each image—and grouped images together that looked like they would complement one another on two page spreads. Then I used washi tape—so that it wouldn’t leave marks on the prints and would come off fairly easily if I needed to rearrange any images—to hold the prints in place on each page.

In the middle of my CLOUDS zine layout and sequencing process using prints and my handmade “book”

I chose to use Scribus—open source desktop publishing software—as I didn’t want to spend money to purchase additional software. When I moved to the computer so that I could put the images into the desktop publishing software I appreciated how simple it was for me. I just glanced at the back of each print so that I knew exactly what file was needed for each image which I found to be a very simple, enjoyable process.

In the middle of my CLOUDS zine layout and sequencing process using prints and my handmade “book”

As I shared before—this certainly isn’t the only way to handle the layout and sequencing process—this is the process that appealed to me. I really appreciated being able to work with prints rather than trying to do this all on a computer screen. It was refreshing to be able to hold the actual prints in my hands, study them for similarities that would work well together for two page spreads, and get to enjoy the physical process of taping each photo in its place. It was nice to be able to turn the pages of my makeshift zine so that I could get an idea how things might look as a series when the final version of the project is printed.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my layout and sequencing process for my CLOUDS zine. I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas about any process you’ve done that has worked well for you or any thoughts you may have on creating zines. And I’m looking forward to being able to share more with you when I receive my printed CLOUDS zine in the mail!

Published by acreamer05

Sometimes I have no words and I use my camera to speak for me- wife, mom to 4, saved by grace, documentary photographer, viola player, looking for light, therapeutic photography, fighting for mental health

4 thoughts on “Photo Project: Clouds—My Zine Layout and Sequencing Process Using Prints

  1. Hey very cool to see you’re getting close to finishing this project! I think it was smart doing layout with your own home made booklet and keeping track of the file names on the back. I can only imagine how hard it is to keep track of all of those photos when they are all sky and clouds. I think having that physical test zine you made could be a cool thing to sell as a “1 of 1” or include it with a purchase of your finished zine. I look forward to how it comes out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Austin! Thank you for taking the time to check this out. You’re right, it can be challenging to keep all the pictures straight when they’re all sky. I’m thankful this system I used worked out well for my process. That’s a really neat idea to use the homemade booklet as something that could go along with the zine. It reminds me of some zines I’ve seen where people have taped photos to paper and photocopied it to create/duplicate their zine. I wanted to learn bookbinding and do a handmade zine/book to make this project more unique and personal but right now that didn’t sound too manageable for me considering my current circumstances so I decided to go with the commercially printed option for now. Perhaps I will explore this option later with another project. I’ve appreciated looking at some of your blog posts—I started with the oldest and am working my way through to your newer posts. Love seeing your images and your experience shooting film. Thank you for sharing with us!


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